Centrale Supelec
Centrale Supelec is an institution well known for its high reputation and the application of science and engineering under the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Technologies. In 2015, CentraleSupelec merged with two French top engineering schools, Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec.
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Courses Offered

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Broad and Renowned Academic Excellence: The institution provides Ingenieurs Generalistes program, advanced research in engineering and system sciences, eight doctoral schools, Masters program, and a comprehensive Executive Education program.
Innovative Curriculum: In 2018, CentraleSupelec updated its Engineering Curriculum to develop expertise, autonomy and a promising career to prepare students with comprehensive knowledge in integration with the basic and applied sciences.
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Part of Prestigious Paris-Saclay University: In collaboration with Paris-Saclay, Centrale Supelec facilitates the formation of the Doctoral Schools, in addition to university programs on the Masters level.
Grooming Future Visionaries: The academic goal of Centrale Supelec is to teach its engineers to handle the complex systems, logical thinking and create new ways highlighting the values of ethics, responsibility and socio-environmental issues.
The Centrale Supelec academic is flexible in its actions to change the world aiming to contribute to shape the future to support scientific and technical managements as well as to value human respect, sharing and cooperation.
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CentraleSupelec Accreditations
The CTI’s stamp approved by the Commission for Engineering
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Centrale Supelec Scholarships
The Centrale Supelec Foundation supports the students aiming to help them bear the cost of education offering scholarships, bank guarantees and interest- free loans. To help the students to meet the financial hurdles this scholarship is offered.
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Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity
The Foundation makes a significant contribution of about € 600 000 to its 450 eligible students of all communities irrespective of the financial constraints in the educational area for top-level programs.
Fostering International Development
Awarding mobility grants to the international students including the tuition fee inclusive, catering for the living and transport cost, the Foundation intervenes appropriately.
CentraleSupelec Placements
Centrale Supelec partnerships with the top future engineering professionals with more than 80 companies from both big and small corporations work.
Enriching Recruitment Opportunities
CentraleSupelec offers unique recruitment opportunities throughout the engineering program:
- Contribution to teaching materials for final-year.
- The curriculum is well-structured with recurring assignments, such as presentations, professionalization contracts, end-of-school trips, and more.
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- Innovative “Company Discovery Evenings” that provides first-year students informal gatherings with the operational staff.
- “Mini-Recruitment” forum is offered to its students to interact directly with companies for summer intern recruiters.
Partnership Benefits
Depending on the level of partnership, companies can benefit:
- Internship, job offers and work-study program.
- Communication Strategies through a variety of media, such as the school website, JobTeaser platform, and social media platforms
- Visibility on the Centrale Supelec Forum
- Priority in diversity awareness such as equality for women, disabled persons and cultural diversity.
Reaching Out Globally
Centrale Supelec’s international partnerships provide companies with an opportunity to mark their presence both nationally and internationally by:
- Direct communication with the double-degree students from famous international universities
- International Higher Education Institution to take part in recruitment events such as International Job Fairs targeting French and international students and graduates.
Besides Centrale Supelec in cooperation with Mahindra group in India make an engineering and sciences education institution to be the best one in consonance with the Moroccan strategy to develop the industry.
Development of Small and Large Sized Businesses
To benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), CentralSupslec has adopted innovative SMB Club concept that provides job placement services, internships and work-study programs in these companies.
Student Life at CentraleSupelec
Active Engagement through Associations
Students in the SD projects undertaken at Centrale Supelec get an opportunity for practical engagement in environmental conservation.
Environmental Charter: An Engagement Toward the World
This charter guides the conduct of all associations to ensure student’s activities do not harm the environment that reflects the students’ and the university’s commitment to take proactive measures and to lower the ecological influence of students.
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Educational Events and Forums
Centrale Supelec SD establishes a platform for the exhibition and discussion to help its students to understand the significance of sustainability.
Students Clubs:
Positioned at the intersection of education and sustainability Centrale Supelec’s student clubs allocate a significant portion of the budget at the local level for the recent activities of GRITEC for CS and GITE for the Groupe des Ecoles Centrales.
CentraleSupélec Rankings
Centrale Supelec is classified as one of the 200 best universities worldwide by QS for its global network with 176 partner universities spread over 45 countries and 35,000 strong worldwide alumni.
Stellar Performance in National Ranking
Demonstrating its excellence in French higher education, Centrale Supelec ranks in the impressively in the recent rankings:
- Ranked third by Le etudiant 2023 by enhancing the learning process on a high level.
- Le Figaro magazine ranked it at 2nd highest position, evidence to the schools superior standards.
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Impressive International Recognition:
For its outstanding education and strong international influence, QS World University Rankings 2023 ranks Centrale Supelec at 69th position.
The Centrale Supelec stands at the 16th place internationally by The Academic Ranking of World Universities in the Shanghaï 2022 ranking.
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