Ecole Central de Marseille
Centrale Mediterranee also known as Ecole Central de Marseille, offers education to prepare students for their future in a particular manner. It promotes creativity, collective intellect and democratizes the exercise, for its students, teachers and staff in creating an internal democracy that is vibrant.
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Courses Offered

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why choose Ecole Centrale de Marseille?
Centrale Mediterranee proactively manages the context-based strategy to match the condition changes along with the effective mission to foresee possible crises and analyze existing enhancement opportunities.
Governance Structure
Foresight: The Centrale Mediterranee plans for long-term goals to run through a process of a wide range of reflection.
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Piloting: The ECM administration is concerned to enhance the student by stipulating its indicators, management plans, and taking actions to evaluate progress.
Authorities: Along with general jurisdiction Centrale Mediterranee creates a policy for research programs, scientific and technical information.
Strategy: The school values the joint efforts of minds, focusing on the short and medium term mechanisms for action plans to work on different committees.
Board of Directors
Under the management committee, Centrale Mediterranee coordinates with public partners and firms.
Training with a Difference
Centrale Mediterranee trains graduates to be innovative in engineering and management as well as open to international cooperation and development by gathering information and develop related skills on the most pressing societal subjects.
Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey
Ecole Central de Marseille Accreditations
As the school uses EURACE label for engineering accreditation for training and for numerous multilateral partnership
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Ecole Central de Marseille Scholarships
Ecole Centrale de Marseille gives access to various financial aids depending on the student’s family situation:
The Rectorate offers national level university scholarships Along with the honorary loans.
Traveling grant taking in account to the destination country.
General Assembly offers the Departmental Higher Education scholarships.
The Ministry of National Education, Mobility Grant Program launched full scholarships to the foreign countries.
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Other Options
Other supports like scholarships and student loans are also provided by the university through its funds to aid Societe Generale, Credit Mutuel, CIC, Banques Populaires, and the savings banks.
Unique Financial Aids
Erasmus+ allowance: This adds with the BCS scholarship to the students who intent to work overseas like Italy, France or Germany.
International Mobility Assistance: A scholarship allowance of €400 per month when the student opts for the 9 months intensive study-away programs in their native country.
Ecole Central de Marseille Placements
Centrale de Marseille plays a vital role for internship to balance between economic world and future engineers learning. The educational curriculum includes mandatory internships to contribute to their learning.
Phases of Internship
During their academic journey, students need to complete three internship periods:
First Year Internship: With the direct contact from companies, the internship lasts for at least one month in the first year to provide a broad opportunity to view socio-economic world and general processes at work.
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Second Year Internship: From the fewer weeks to maximum of 2 years, to fill crucial jobs like establishment of team, planning, resource allocation, control, and team activation.
End of Studies Project: Students spend their last year with long-term projects that lasts from 4 to 6 months, with two main objectives – to enhance their competence in engineering and to address real-world challenges.
Versatile Internship Opportunities
The Ecole Centrale de Marseille provides student research internships in its laboratories under certain conditions based on the choice of the students.
Students are supported and supervised by teaching staff to understand the practical companies experience throughout their placements.
Student Services Offered by Ecole Central de Marseille
Supportive Environments
L’AnTenne at Ecole Centrale de Marseille offers different services and resources to provide a secure place for education, advice, and preventive measures at a single point for both on and off camp students.
Service offerings include:
- Social worker availability 24/7.
- Medical/psychological appointment with one-on-one consultation.
- A prevention team of trained employees to help students to talk confidentially and counsel the one who is depressed.
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- Free access to Healthcare providers.
- Students can directly contact to L’AnTenne employees website, email and phone.
Central Marseille provides several accommodation options for both the national as well as international students. These include:
- University campus housing
- City housing options
- CROUS (Regional Center for University and School Works) and Housing Anywhere residences
Educational Support
The school offers help to the students in their academic learning along with getting allowances on their work submissions and consideration of their absence in attendance under specified conditions.
For disabled students, the school offers:
- Assistance on both the notes and secretarial work for manual writing aid.
- Provision of laptop and programs.
- Educational support from upper-level students.
Personal assistance for non-academic issues such as transportation and daily life tasks.
Student Life at Ecole Central de Marseille
Centrale Mediterranee with a dynamic student community offers many opportunities and experiences along with the strong and colorful student life.
Diverse Activities and Experiences
At Centrale Mediterranee, students are offered with many different activities – from celebrations, sports, and artistic events to business forums, innovation exercises, and other events. All these activities are fun and insight for everyone living in community on this campus.
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Commitment to Community Life
The campus incorporates nearly 40 associations into the categories like social life, business, citizenship, culture, innovation, and sport. The Union of Associations, being the central student organization is the hub of diverse-association. Under this union, school authorities deal with the concerned parties, further guiding for the new association teams.
Ecole Central de Marseille Ranking
The Ecole Centrale de Marseille gets a high ranking from the QS World University Rankings.
In 2022 it is placed at 501-520th position around the world.
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