Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Grenoble INP-UGA, Institut d’Ingenierie et Management offers an innovative teaching method to equip knowledge and necessary skills in future.
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Courses Offered
** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why choose Grenoble INP - UGA, Institut d’ingenierie et de management?
The academic departments include eight engineering and management emerging areas of educational expertise. The Grenoble INP-UGA focuses on Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, integrated systems, distributed systems and network technologies, Industrial and Operations Engineering and so many.
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History of Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management
For over 120 years now, Grenoble INP – UGA’s first mission was to train top engineers diversified into scientific and technological research, doctoral training while imparting education to support industrial development.
The Beginning of The Polytechnic Institut and Its Impact
Grenoble INP – UGA’s beginning is interconnected with industry starting from 1892 by Paul Janet, a young professor, which is highly appreciated. With his appointment in 1904, Louis Barbillion the director already had a vision to make Grenoble University as one of the leading technical universities in South-East resulting in the invention of hydraulics, mechanics, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy.
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Entering the Modern Era
In 1920s, Grenoble INP – UGA added to its courses by expanding its creation through creation of the Institute of Electrochemistry and Electrometallurgy, School of Hydraulic Engineers and later. And later, it included National Schools like Electronics and Radio Electricity of Grenoble or Computer Science and Applied Mathematics expanding to the creation of National Polytechnic Institute in Grenoble.
The current situation – Grenoble INP- UGA Today
In the present days, Grenoble INP – UGA is changing and becoming a pioneer in technology and industry by investigating the micro nanotechnologies. In 2002, co-founded Minatec innovation center enhanced the competitiveness in different scientific development networks.
Grenoble INP-UGA becoming a Component of University Grenoble Alpes
On January 1, 2020 the University Grenoble Alpes was established with Grenoble INP – UGA, Sciences Po Grenoble and the National School of Architecture in Grenoble to create a unique internationally-influential university.
Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management Accreditations
Grenoble INP – UGA is awarded with EPAS (International Program Accreditation System), an international accreditation for Management degree. The school is accredited with AACSB and EFMD program accreditation system.
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Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management Scholarships
This scholarship is designed to support students who pursue their studies in the variety of Master’s level programs with the scholarship amount of 5000 Euro per semester.
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Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management Placements
Grenoble INP-UGA is tailored with an exclusive curriculum to incorporate theoretical and practical skills, along with internship opportunities to provide employment.
Highlighting international reputation, 11% of the graduates get job outside France.
Career service at Grenoble INP – UGA links between business companies as well as students to help recruiters find the perfect employees.
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Strategy and governance of Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management
Innovative Educational Dynamic
The teaching methods at Grenoble INP−UGA train the forthcoming engineers on modern technological disciplines and the faculty staff in engineering education.
The pace of student profile is modified with the learning approaches and expert services’ Perform provides the classroom with a multidisciplinary team of instructors.
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Through its Social and Environmental Responsibility the Grenoble INP – UGA, Institut d’ingenierie et de will constantly inform its students to keep up the compliance with relevant regulations. This shows that the school fulfills its societal and ecological responsibilities. With its services, training, as well as its research activities the school offers sustainability and social responsibility towards society.
Exemplary Project Work
Grenoble INP – UGA has its visibility in the international organizations with the attractive trade network of Grenoble Alpes University. Major project efforts include:
- The A2I and IngePLUS programs indicate the continuous modernization in teaching processes.
- Offers opportunity for the students to study engineering while providing equal learning conditions.
- Participation in European projects at an aggressive level.
Student Services Offered by Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management
Financial Assistance
Grenoble INP – UGA offers several aids to ensure financial support for education:
- Tuition specific reservations, assigned according to the social factors.
- Acute financial needs as an Aid Program for the students.
- The provision of housing apartments tailored to the needs of the globally mobile students.
Healthcare Services
Students can consult doctors either on campus or within the nearby premises. This offers medical assistance for the students that includes emergency services also.
Food Options
In campus restaurants are available for the healthy and nutritious food that too in affordable price.
Food shops, supermarkets and markets where fresher fruits, vegetables, meat are supplied.
Support and Assistance
- The CROUS Social Service help students in their finances, social lives and mental health.
- Special funds for those students who cannot afford academic expenses.
- 24-hour hotline number to help students in their critical situations.
- Municipal accessibility for the social services at Grenoble and Valence.
- An Inclusive Environment for Students with Disabilities.
An Inclusive Environment for Students with Disabilities
Grenoble INP – UGA is a school stands for the education of all by providing individualized services to the students with disabilities.
The school aids its students to overcome their challenges through various strategies like:
- Personalized Schooling Projects (PPS) established with the purpose of “disability compensation”.
- PAI Individualized Reception Projects for health-related students.
- Special educational help and support during exams.
Student Life at Grenoble INP-UGA Institut d’Ingenierie et Management
Collaborative mix of social, academic and cultural activities offers vibrant student life at Grenoble-INP.
Work with “The Grand Cercle”
The “Grand Cercle”, is one of France’s major student communities in organizing student events, new student orientation programs, and activities.
Grenoble INP-UGA also offers a wide range of student clubs that include – traveling, dancing, reading, strategic games, and music.
Incubating Student Organizations
Grenoble INP – UGA with more than 30 student associations organize sports, arts, humanitarian projects, fun activities and career programs with a goal of facilitating learning beyond classroom sessions. These organizations provide self-expression opportunities to its students to enhance campus experience.
Championing High-Level Athletes
Grenoble INP-UGA provides the combination of athlete development and engineering studies by managing sports and academia interaction as well.
Showcasing Prestigious Events
Besides the academic and sports activities, Grenoble INP – UGA offers big events with 2000 students. There are a lot of organizations and events organized like shows and activities at each edition of the Gala by involving all-inclusive and integrated education system.
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