Le Mans Université
Discover Le Mans Universite is a reputable university which is based on the principles and purposes of validity, benevolence, and sharing. This university is guided by the strategy of social responsibility to take on a crucial mission to become a driving force in improving social justice and advancing as a socio-critical factor in the socio-economic development of the city.
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Courses Offered

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why choose Le Mans Universite
Le Mans Universite boasts a comprehensive educational system.
Excellence in Achievement: This prestigious university is a composition with a vision directed towards success of an individual learner, and personal development.
Global Recognition: The Le Mans Universite’s “Our ambition is you” campaign created by advertising team AlmapBBDO, is selected among hundreds of foreign advertisements.
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An Invested University: Le Mans Universite ensures the sustainable development and embracing social responsibility. Since 2010, the university is engaged in SDP where its Engineering University is one of the first four universities to receive Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility (DD&SR) label in recognition.
Continuous Progress: The University aims towards recognition starting from a process of continual advancement.
Strategy and governance
- Training.
- Research & Scientific Culture.
- Campus Environmental Management.
This combination emphasizes the importance of social policy and territorial anchoring with the complex issues and fostering towards sustainable development.
Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey
Le Mans Universite Scholarships
Le Mans Universite is dedicated to educational quality enhancement shown through its accreditations and considerable financial programs for students.
Scholars/Grant based on Social Factors
Considering the financial difficulties most students face, Le Mans Universite granted scholarships based on their social needs.
To avail this scholarship students have to submit DSE(application for grant/scholarship and accommodation) on an annual basis. It can be filled online through the website www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr.
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Home Student Rental Payments Guarantee (CLE)
This financial help is aimed at for its student’s accommodation under CROUS.
These grants offered at the university include a range of grant/scholarship given starting from September up to June for a total of ten months.
Financial Aid Options
Variety of financial assistance is provided to take care of each student who faces financial issues in fulfilling their desire of pursuing good education. The assistance types include:
Scholarship is Awarded Based on Social Qualifications
- Specific Annual Assistance (ASAA)
- Merit-based Grant/Scholarship
- Student residence managed by the CROUS.
Le Mans Universite Placements
Le Mans Universite is well-known for its quality education in addition to intellectual performances and internships it offers.
Internship Opportunities
Le Mans Universite internships are designed to ensure that students secure the internship and this internship can be anywhere in the world.
There are several resources available including CV and cover letter writing in the European Europass format, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and many more.
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The placements in Le Mans Universite help student’s to financially ensure that they get the best opportunities in internships without wasting their time on searching additional helps.
Student Services Offered by Le Mans Universite
Excelling in Gender Equality
Le Mans Universite promotes gender equality in education and other aspects as an important pillar to design their programs enhancing the gender balance. This actively addresses the issue of gender equality and violence in educational standards committing to dismantle the inequalities while ensuring the equal opportunities that are given to men and women.
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Strategies and Intents of Gender main concern in different Missions and Plans
In 2021-2023 Gender Equality Plan, Le Mans Universite has adopted a three year gender plan proposing diverse approaches to ensure equal professional opportunities given by eliminating gender prejudices and build a social gender relation.
Sexist and Sexual Violence Working Group, deals with concerning gender-based and sexual violence providing information, prevention, training of staff .
Ambitious Initiatives against Gender-based and Sexual Violence
In the academic year of 2018-2019, Le Mans Universite started monitoring and supporting against gendered and sexual violence (V2S) and innovative steps were taken aiming to secure the safety and wellbeing of the students.
Dynamic Actions and Events
Le Mans Universite offers a series of actions throughout the year to support gender equality, such as:
- Highlighting on the International Day to eliminate violence against women.
- Equality week in March.
- Specialized gender equality training.
Le Mans Universite also aims at delivering qualitative education while promoting the student’s well-being and provides a one-stop solution as a package of services to foster environment for the students.
Student Health Services
Both Le Mans and Laval campuses provide a broad and specialized team that comprises general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and other related professionals for:
- General medical consultations
- Vaccination and emergency services
- Gynecological consultations
- Psychotherapeutic support
Besides these, Le Mans Universite also provides the services of psychological aid and prevention actions offering a platform through which students can express themselves and can find ways to overcome individual, family, societal and financial challenges.
Student Housing and Transportation
Student accommodation is one of the significant aspects that provide simplified facilities like:
Crous university residences: Le Mans campus Universite contains 716 rooms in university residences and 205 rooms in university Living houses.
Private accommodation: Lokaviz, a search engine created by CROUS help students to find individual or shared accommodation.
Short-term accommodation: The Crous provides a number of options for temporary housing during an internship, a competition, or an examination in over forty cities in France.
Additionally, multiple ways of transport is available to the students through the public transport, cars or even bikes.
Restaurants and Cafeterias: Serving three balanced nutritional meals, which are complete and affordable for the students, students can use a Pass Sup’ card or smartphone to make the payment.
Le Mans Universite is focused to offer different basic amenities in combination with academic success to its students by providing a balanced student care services to address their mental, physical, social and academic wellbeing.
Student Life at Le Mans Universite
Le Mans Universite is one of the several universities that offer an engaging and vibrant learning experience to the national and international students.
International Students Program
Le Mans Universite offers Erasmus, Double Degree, and bilateral study programs especially designed for the international students with variety of general guideline to provide them information about different aspects of their stay as well as a day to day life of students in Le Mans.
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International Reception Office
Le Mans Universite has an office named International Welcome Office known as BAI to welcome the international students. It also helps students in regards to the administration and accommodation.
Sports and Recreation
Le Mans Universite offers extensive sports facilities through Students’ Union Administrative Commission services (SUAPS) with nearly 40 courses related to sports so that students can take part in activities at several time slots each week.
Cultural and Artistic Activities
Culture Department of the Le Mans Universite offers numerous artistic experiences ranging from painting, sculpture, Music and Theatre Arts, Dance, Creative Art, and New Media faculties.
Community Life and Associations
Le Mans Universite has numerous student associations for the cultural, scientific, international, Solidarity, environment, sports, labor and sector organizations. These associations support and assist in project development, room and equipment donation, or promotion.
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