PSL Research University
PSL Research University is famous for its emphasis on research and education making it well-known university in different fields like science, art, literature and culture.
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Courses Offered

** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why Choose about PSL Research University?
Active Learning Process
The student friendly teaching method and well-curate curriculum targets the success of the students. The PSL Research University offers small classes, minimal student-to-professor ratios, and the strong connection to the current research and the design innovations.
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Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities
PSL is dedicated to stimulate the innovation and creativity through many disciplines like economics, humanities, life sciences and others. With this students can experience exposure to interdisciplinary interests and work by the side of top researches to create future world.
Create, Launch, Innovate
With the variety of resources, PSL includes 140 laboratories, artist workshops and containers to create a scientific and artistic ecosystem. This helps 17,000 students and 2,900 researchers to advance in the promising careers abroad.
Develop Career-Centric Skills
Based on the student’s interest PSL equips them with the necessary skills of their choice focusing on the development of their creativity, critical thinking, versatility and team-spirit as per the company’s demands.
Diverse Network
With a huge diversity pad, PSL is prone to enlarge the perspectives and permanent contacts of the students by sponsoring many student clubs, cultural concerts and exchange programs to provide a lively group of students.
The University with Strong Values
The main strategy of the university is not only to develop leadership qualities in the student but to also inculcate competitive edge to match the global entrepreneurs. For which, the PSL innovates new technologies with the great capability to improve education system to ultimately bring out the quality citizen who is socially responsible.
Take first step towards your Study Abroad Journey
PSL Research University Accreditations
PSL University is a premier school being accredited by some of the most respected bodies in the realm of higher education across the globe.
PSL Research University, in particular Dauphine – PSL in French university was the first to receive accreditation in 2009. This embarks the high position with quality studies of PSL in the world.
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EQUIS Accreditation: A European Badge of Quality
The EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) acknowledges that EQUIS accreditation strengthens management and economics.
Dauphine – PSL is accredited at the international level among 189 accredited institutions globally. This promotes the development of international relationships through liaison with partner institutions.
However, this accreditation is continuously upgraded every three to five years, respectively based on the institution’s quality, networking, and research activities.
The first re-accreditation by EQUIS (for three years) was given to PSL Research University in 2012, and then received in 2015 for five years (the second accreditation). And again after the five year tenure, accreditation was renewed in November 2020.
The EQUIS accreditation confirms the standard of the diplomas issued by Dauphine – PSL that evaluates the institution based on internal and external resources with strategy, mission, governance, programs, school offices, student services, personal development, etc.
Erasmus+ Certification
Showing the quality standard, Dauphine -PSL won important ECHE grant license (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) for a long productive period of 7 years (from 2021 to 2027).
Accreditation of London Campus
PSL Research University Scholarships
With a wide range of scholarships and grants for the financial support to graduate students, PSL has a purpose to help them excel without the financial strains in pursuing any study programs.
Excellence Grant by the University
Scholarships are granted depending on the performance, motivation and financial condition of the student.
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Applicable to Specific Pathways within Different PSL Graduate Programs
The levels of the scholarship-eligible programs cover Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Applications, Finance, Earth and Planetary Science, Life Sciences, and Religious Studies.
Fully financed 5-year programs in the scope of Master to Ph.D. in seven research areas
Open to students of all nationalities.
PSL University Member Schools Fellowships
- The scholarships are sponsored by a number of member schools for particular areas of study and master’s programs.
- Applicable PSL degree programs and institutions include ENS-PSL, Life Sciences at ENS-PSL, Dauphine-PSL, MINES Paris-PSL, Paris School of Economics, and ESPCI-PSL.
Scholarships Co-funded by PSL
- Master’s in Mathematics at the Paris Mathematical Sciences Foundation.
- Master’s programs with AI curriculum from PRAIRIE Institute.
Government Scholarships
- International students are offered by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
- Students can seek eligibility and application details from the relevant authorities.
Mobility Grants for Outgoing and Incoming Students
Outgoing students planning to study in the European member states can get the mobility allowances through the PSL’s member schools under the Eramus+ programs.
For more details students are advised to contact the relevant scholarship or grant programs or the appropriate authorities or PSL’s member schools.
PSL Research University Placements
PSL promotes the global exposure in the society to succeed in the work life by offering curriculum enhancement activities for the students such as internships and study abroad.
Internships in foreign research laboratories and many other institutes of PSL program holds the major part in providing real-world exposure to the students along with academic horizons.
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PSL Research University students not only follow the journey of knowledge, in fact they go through life-changing experiences to set up their skills to compete in the recent business trends for continuous success.
Student Services Offered by PSL Research University
Achievements of Students at PSL Research University
The successful students’ life at PSL Research University is not only about academic achievements but also pleasurable activities that supports the diverse needs of students, implementing a comprehensive system of services focusing on the enhancement of the quality of life, health and general happiness of its students.
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Comfortable Dorms Suitable for College Living
By recognizing the ease and comfort of the students, PSL considers the major aspects while providing the huge range of accommodation options via the PSL Housing Service, including:
- Public student housing with 800 beds in about 20 dormitories.
- Affordable lease option for the housing based on the partnership with private and public landlords to make clear decision of efficiencies.
- Off-campus accommodation with short-term and long-term stay options offering the shared and independent housing alternatives through the solidarity housing scheme.
A fit Student is an Ace student
PSL has student’s health department in essence of good health of the students that lays the foundation for success in the academic journey. This includes – preventive medicine consultations free of charge for the on-site, online, or phone doctor’s appointments.
Combating Harassment and Violence
PSL assures to provide a safe and an inclusive environment against sexual abuse, gender-based abuse, harassments, discrimination and hazing. With the Helpline against Harassment and Violence, they serve as a concrete example of dedication where students can share their experience, seek advice and gather related information.
Warm Reception for International Students
PSL’s Welcome Office is a unit to guide international students, scholars and researchers giving them insights on Parisian life, university functions, and administrative procedures. In addition to that it plans out cultural events and activities aiming to build relationship and proceedings within PSL student community.
So, PSL Research University gives all-inclusive services to students to promote a holistic academic life And through their diverse services catering to student’s needs automatically create a friendly and welcoming academic environment.
Student Life at PSL Research University
Combining the dynamic and vigorous student life PSL thrives to provide the mixture of students, researchers and in the spirit of Parisian heritage. Apart from having the vibe of a modern campus and housing communities, PSL provides a multisided experience prioritizing the students.
Sports Life
Sports is a leading element at PSL with more than 5,000 students taking part in 30 different sports activities that reaches all the PSL members offering a wide range of both team and individual sports. This includes women’s soccer, modern jazz dance and yoga, along with the typical campus profile.
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The Mazet Center provides effective, caring, and helpful student life
The heart of the campus life at PSL, Mazet Student Life Center offers the Welcome Desk, Health Service and also Housing department. Adding to it, the Mazet Center supplies hours of bookable time and resources where students can gather for any conferences, shows and communal events.
PSL Research University Rankings
PSL Research University: The Ultimate Global Symbol in Education and Research
PSL stands at the forefront as a world recognized mecca showing its presence by prominently ranking to define the status quo.
PSL’s Global Ranking in Several Rating Lists
- Holds 41st position in the Shanghai Ranking and 21st in the CWUR 2023 Rating.
- Number 3 rank among “THE Top Young Universities” category.
- Since 2018, it stands in the Top 50 in THE and QS rankings.
- Stands number 24 and number 31 in QS 2024 and ARTU 2022 ranking respectively.
- Since 2018, it always stood in Top 15 positions in the Young University Rankings and Millennium Universities.
With its diverse academic excellence, PSL demonstrates strong performance ranks across a variety of subjects:
- Accounting & Finance: 56th (QS) & 150th (Shanghai ARWU)
- Arts & Humanities: 22th (THE), 44th (Newsweek US)
- Business & Economics: No.1 (ARWU), No.2 (THE), No.3 (US News).
- Computer Science: 45th (THE), 37th (QS), 159th (US News)
- Environmental & Ecology: 5th (ARWU Shanghai), 86th (U.S. News)
- Mathematics: 12th (ARWU, Shanghai), 7th (US News), 12th (QS).
Awards &Recognition for PSL Researchers
Distinguishing the PSL researchers, awards such as the ERC Advanced Grants and the ERC Starting Grants in 2021 and the ERC Consolidator Grant in 2020 are awarded.
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