Universite de Bretagne Sud
Universite de Bretagne Sud(UBS) discovers the academic excellence within Breton Peninsula to welcome students from around the world. This university promises its students for the modern education, and the serene countryside of southern Brittany.
Based on the combination of various faculties, UBS offers education for undergraduates, graduates and PhD students in integration with literature and languages, social sciences, engineering, computer sciences, mathematics, law, and business studies. It is a student-oriented university ensuring the faculty and the students work in harmony and focus on students’ initiative in their learning process.
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Courses Offered
** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
UBS manages and develops the academic modules linking its teaching and learning methods to create potential employment opportunity.
The reasons to join Universite de Bretagne Sud are:
- Career-focused education and training.
- Special bonding with the academic curriculum.
- Small and focused study group of students.
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- Exposure to research activities.
- Stimulating and extraordinary education setting.
Universite de Bretagne Sud is a friendly-sized human environment for learning with beautiful and comfortable conditions for living and working.
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Universite de Bretagne sud Accreditations
A public engineering school, ENSIBS (Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Ingenieurs de Bretagne-Sud) is accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingenieur (CTI).
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Universite de Bretagne sud Scholarships
Cyberus Master’s program is the newest list of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s selected for funding by EU for the outstanding students.
Scholarship Opportunities
This program is for exceptional international students regardless of their social status where the education incentives include €1,400 monthly scholarships plus free registration and tuition fees.
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For the 2022 students, the university plans to offer:
14 to 16 Erasmus Mundus scholarships while providing the fee reduction for international students with no geographical restrictions.
Complementing this, 5 to 7 Erasmus Mundus scholarships and fee waivers are provided to the students from particular countries.
Universite de Bretagne sud Placements
Universite de Bretagne Sud offers internships, placements and international mobility as the key components of engineering education.
UBS is committed to offer higher education for learners to pursue initiatives in internship placements whereby the students, especially the current year can grow tendency for internships.
With the challenging internship abroad, students can benefit:
Professional competencies across the international context while improving the language proficiency.
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Assistance from UBS’s International Affair Office
International Affairs Office of UBS supports students during administrative formalities and suggests them with the places where internship is available. This office receives the applications for the internship grants by any mid January.
Safety Considerations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development at UBS takes responsibility for students’ security and restrict some locations for the placements to ensure no issues of security.
International Credit Mobility
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program over 2016 offers a structured program providing the mobility for students and university staff both in and outside the academic year.
From student’s perspective, UBS develops linguistic, inter-cultural and professional competencies to improve employability and develop personality by enhancing professional skills.
Governance and Strategy of Universite de Bretagne sud
Efficient Governance
The governance dimension of UBS is a combination of internal and external affiliation with institutions of the university together with the information from the self-assessment exercise.
Strategic Development Plan: 2017-2021
The Development Plan of the UBS for the Period of 2017-2021, contains meaningful recommendations, satisfactory evaluations, brilliant visions and the strategic plan with four specific challenges:
- The culture change in higher education for research and innovation.
- The competition pressures the companies to specialize the unique and distinct competitors.
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- Meet new and existing training needs.
- Sustaining people and financial resources.
Carving an Identity
To amplify its favorable image on the national and international scale UBS aims on gathering markets and investing resources while focusing on the specialization.
Meeting Training Requirements
UBS’s major strategic focus areas is to aim at preparing students for changing careers with the strong contribution to reduce the employment as well as manage the economy.
Sustainable Resources
UBS is exceptionally sensitive to the unfolded questions of sustainability of its resources including manpower and funds to operate and develop in a limited resource regimen.
Quality, Management and Related Thematic Concerns
UBS is focused on the quality and management offering general objectives for research and innovation maintaining its high importance in training for four themes: sea, materials, cyber security and data sciences.
Membership and Partnership of Universite de Bretagne sud
Universite de Bretagne Sud is partnered and a member of the premier organizations in the field of international business where it works to cultivate the strong relationship with the international networks.
Campus France Collaboration
As a member of Campus France a prominent organization abroad, UBS offers assistance to the students as well as researchers.
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Universite Franco-Allemande (UFA)
Another esteemed partner is UFA that includes 186 French and German higher education institutions, that provides bi-national and trinational courses.
International Maritime Excellence Campus (CEI·MAR)
Deemed as an institution of Marine Science, Engineering and Humanities, CEI MAR is an international benchmark where UBS is a part of the solution to challenges by marine environments in the Strait of Gibraltar.
Western Alliance for Scientific Actions with Australia
WASAA is an organization that provides UBS to links with the South Australian higher learning institutions.
The strategic associations of Universite de Bretagne Sud serves to deliver enriching and diverse educational experience that is transformative.
Values of Universite de Bretagne sud
Universite de Bretagne Sud embraces strong set of values with its unique characteristics and organizational behavior. These values include four key pillars – Internal relationship and nearness, high level performance and proficiency, togetherness and unity in the workers and employees.
Closeness and Proximit
Universite de Bretagne Sud conducts its educational services focusing on the formal relationships between students, staff and different other economic powers or the political organizations. To enhance friendly environment among students, the UBS advises the “cohort spirit” assisting newcomers through the orientation.
Performance and Competence
The primary goal of the UBS is to excel through adopting innovative teaching strategies for the students that includes the voting booth style, continuous assessment, drama performances, mock interviews, and first semester internships. The mission of the UBS is evident to a clear integration of theoretical knowledge and the development of skills describing the hard and soft skills.
‘Doing Things Together’
Group work and decision making are the core values of operational processes at Universite de Bretagne Sud. While sharing information between the students, researchers and staff UBS promotes the team spirit in the cultural, scientific, and economic student experiences.
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