Université de Rouen
Universite de Rouen Normandy informally known as URN is recognized for academic innovation in Normandy with over 32000 students and 37 research units. Fostering the regional education and leading interregional research, with the international partnership incorporating 12 faculties, institute and schools for fostering local economic and social developments.
With the international perspective and strategic approach, URN expands its educational and research dimensions offering international engagement strategies. URN also offers an experience in the internationalization to expand its coverage in diverse education.
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Courses Offered
** Fees mentioned here are approximate and are per year, Unless specified otherwise
Why choose Universite de Rouen?
A Vibrant Community
URN is based in the Greater Rouen city with a strong cultural and economic development accommodating over 32,000 students offering 400 courses to broaden the student’s knowledge and skills.
Synergy and Development
URN enhances its image on various social platforms as well as cooperation with the local stakeholders. While undertaking regional integration of research activities, URN incorporates three specialized teaching and research centers into its strategy, that includes – Chemistry, Biology, and Health; Humanities, Culture and Societies; and Materials, Energy, Digital and Environment.
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Enhancing Knowledge through Research
Playing a significant role in the teaching-learning process, URN enhances its reputation in the research institutions. URN also supports the University Hospital Charles-Nicolle as well as its foundation.
Flexible and Evolving Curriculum
Bridging between the initial education and different kinds of skills/learning, URN offers a range of flexible programs between diploma education and training. There is a modification in the programs every year depending on the market trends and requirements.
Resumption of Studies & Continuing Education
To enhance the career or career path, whether graduates wanting to switch the specialty or gain new competencies, the University of Rouen Normandy proposes more than 300 courses for their study resumptions.
Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)
By participating in the VAE program, field professionals get an opportunity to receive formal education along with their work experience.
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Universite de Rouen Scholarships
Scholarships and Exemptions
State Financial Assistance: If students are not financially stable, online CROUS offers student state aid.
Higher Education Scholarship: This scholarship is related to the applications to the CROUS from level ‘0’, bis students are registered to exempt from the payment of registration fees.
Conditional Scholarship: An online process verifies the student data at CROUS or the French document defining the status of a scholarship.
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lyUniversity Solidarity Fund (FSU): If students cannot afford the registration fees they can apply for the FSU confronting with CROUS social workers.
Exemption from Registration Fees: Based on the social criteria, scholarship students are exempted from the registration fees.
Universite de Rouen Placements
Developing Employer Offer across Fields
Universite de Rouen Normandy is a comprehensive institution offering over 300 training programs and courses. This university offers initial learning, continuous learning, work-learning, as well as remote learning. New levels of study enable the awarding of Licenses, Masters and Doctorates, to expand the range and depth of the programs.
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Career Guidance
Guiding the crucial elements in building a career, Universite de Rouen Normandy provides fairs, forums and meetings tailored to the students need as well as for their orientations.
This continuous and alternative training programs can help its students to select their course aiming to satisfy their professional challenges and opportunities and also expands its training programs from internships to diploma courses.
Work-Study Programs: Springboard to Success
The preferred option to attract more than 1,300 learners per year takes nearly 80 work-study programs available from Bac + 2 to Bac +5 in various fields to allow its students with the opportunity to incorporate practice with theories. Integrated with the initial training and promoting access to the professional world, this training also encompasses an apprenticeship or professionalization contract for its students.
Empowering Success
Universite de Rouen offers digital tools to the students that include an open source education platform, online course, innovative teaching space and a space for a virtual classroom. Other services assist students with tutoring, positioning tests as well as study arrangements.
Besides these, the Universite de Rouen offers the Professional Integration Assistance Office to assist its students with the professional vocational guidance.
Student Services Offered by Universite de Rouen
Student Accommodation: Special Entry
Studapart housing offers students, interns or any professionals both local and foreign protect them against unpaid amount by providing the “Guaranteed Profile” to have free access offering the houses reserved for Universite de Rouen students. It provides students with an easy and effective way to search for the housing in the campus filtering their budget to get a perfect housing facility.
Additionally, it also offers the renting space with the immediate home insurance guaranteeing all risks related to the apartment, furniture and personal responsibilities.
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Personalized Assistance and Support
The staff is multilingual and is available on the website for six days a week from 8 am to 9 pm to address specific needs and requests.
Health and Prevention: The Preventive Medicine Services and Disability Area at Universite de Rouen provide its students with necessary medical assistance.
Digital Services: The Universite de Rouen provides digital technologies such as an open learning platform, online courses and virtual classes to enhance its training courses and staff activities.
Protection: To ensure all students and staff are well coordinated, Universite de Rouen offers security personnel and a team to detect and handle the sexual harassment cases.
Student Life at Universite de Rouen
Embracing the Campus Life
Distributed throughout the seven campuses located in different areas of Eure and Seine-Maritime,the life of these campuses vibrate with cultural, sports, community engagement and associative events. With a vision of providing dedicated and environmental friendly campus, Universite de Rouen provides the Student Orientation and Success Law to make a Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC). This organization enhances the students’ sense of community, continually improving the quality of life through organizing various events to allow its students to participate in various co-curricular activities along with studies.
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Libraries and Learning Resources
The university has 12 libraries rich in more than 5, 00,000 books, printed periodicals, dictionaries, encyclopedias and electronic data banks. These offer institutional resources to its students to access on-site or online services facilitating them to help its students throughout their academics.
Support and Accessibility
Student affairs and welfare is valued in the Universite de Rouen and caters for disabled students to enable them in their studies.
Modern Approaches to Knowledge Acquisition
With an effort to advance their teaching and learning processes, Univeriste de Rouen employs e-technologies and e-services that include open learning environments, online courses, classrooms and innovated teaching rooms.
Safety Measures
To protect and ensure a smooth flow of the student and staff’s activities the Universite de Rouen provides a security service and monitor on sexual harassment.
Special Arrangements
Special provisions are offered for training high-level athletes, talented artists and students with disabilities to help them with their practice and education at the same time.
Gateway to Student Life: The Leocardian
The Leocard is a card that is offered for the students of Universite de Rouen and similar to other cards and additional facilities are provided.
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